Getting the numbers right is the biggest challenge for every home/land buyer. And, by numbers, we don’t just mean the money you spend on buying and registration. There’s another factor which plays the most important role in deciding the price tag of the property – the area of the property/land you are buying. While the measurement unit for the constructed property is, the same – sq. ft – land measurement units vary across the country. With plotted developments becoming extremely popular in recent times and with an increasing percentage of the working population settling in towns and cities far away from their hometowns, it’s important to understand the popular land measurement units being used across India. Let’s ‘figure’ it out: 

The Common Factor

The most common land measurement units in India are square feet, acre and hectare. Here is a table to get an idea of their size. 

1 Square Feet929.03 Cm
1 Acre43,560 Sq. Ft
1 Hectare2.47105 Acres

While most home buyers will be familiar with the above units, some units are used only in particular regions. For example, while Bigha is more popular in North India, units like Cent are more prevalent down South. Let’s look at these: 

North India

In northern states like Bihar, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, units like Marla, Kanal, Bigha, Biswa, and Kattha are commonly used. Interestingly, there’s no standard size assigned to Bigha, and it varies in different regions. For example, in Rajasthan, one Pucca Bigha is around 27,225 sq ft, and one Kaccha Bigha is equal to 17,424 sq ft. However, near Patna in Bihar (the state does not follow a standard unit), 1 Bigha is the equivalent of 27,220 sq. ft. Here are a few more examples from some other regions. 

State1 Bigha in Sq. Ft
Uttarakhand6,804 Sq. Ft
Himachal Pradesh 8,712 Sq. Ft
Madhya Pradesh12,000 Sq. Ft
Gujarat17,427 Sq. Ft

Now, let’s evaluate the other measurement units vis-a-vis Square Feet. 

Unit In Sq.Ft.
Marla272.251 Sq. Ft.
Kanal5,445 Sq. Ft.
Biswa720 Sq. Ft.

Like Bigha, the measurement of Kattha, too, varies from place to place. Along with North India, Kattha is also used in eastern states like Assam and West Bengal. Here’s how varied their measurements are:  

State1 Kattha in Sq. Ft
Bihar (Patna) & Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) 1,361 Sq. Ft.
Rest of BiharBetween 750 and 2,000 Sq. Ft. 
Assam 2,880 Sq. Ft.
West Bengal720 Sq. Ft.

South India

In the south of India, none of the above-mentioned units are in practice. Here, the land is measured in terms of Ground, Ankanam, Cent, Kuncham and Guntha. Purva Land has developed themed-based plotted developments with top-notch infrastructure and an unparalleled living experience in three major South Indian cities – Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore. Before you head out to buy these one-of-a-kind properties, take a look at how much land measures vis-a-vis square feet in the South of India. 

Unit In Sq. Ft.
Ground2,400.35 Sq. Ft.
Ankanam72 Sq. Ft.
Cent435.6 Sq. Ft.
Kuncham4,356 Sq. Ft.
Guntha1,089 Sq. Ft.


In India’s eastern and northeastern regions, there are no Gunthas and Marlas. Instead, the land is measured in terms of Chatak, Dhur and Lecha (apart from Kattha) in states like Assam, Tripura and West Bengal. Let’s take a look: 

Unit In Sq. Ft
Chatak45 Sq. Ft
Dhur 21.78 Sq. Ft
Lecha 144 Sq. Ft

West India

If you are planning to buy land in western Indian states like Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa, you should have a good understanding of land measurement units like Biswa and Biswansi (along with Bigha). Let’s simplify them: 

Unit In Sq. Ft
Biswa720 Sq. Ft
Biswansi544.5 Sq. Ft

Measuring The Land

No matter where you buy land, it’s important to ascertain that its measurements match those in the title deed. You can get a surveyor to do this. Also, check the Floor Space Index (FSI), which will tell you the maximum floor area that can be constructed upon. For example, if the area of land is 1,000 square feet and the FSI is 4, the built-up area on the plot could measure up to 4,000 Sq.Ft. The FSI varies from locality to locality, and you can contact the municipal or local authorities to find out the FSI in your area. 

Are you planning to invest in plots in Bangalore or plots in Chennai? If yes, make sure that you have a clear understanding of the land measurement units in that region. While there is nothing to worry about if you buy land from a reputed developer like Purva Land, who have plotted developments in both the cities, it will help you understand the plot size you are talking about. Remember, all knowledge is empowering.

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